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My Journey From Dyslexic Kid to Published Author: A Story of Hope

Have you ever read a book, seen a show, or listened to a podcast that completely changed your life?


I have, and it’s about time I shared my journey.


Back in 2021, I listened to a podcast from , Denise Duffield-Thomas which delved into her journey of writing Chill and Prosper  (one of my favourite books). I immediately felt drawn to Hay House – the book’s publisher. It’s something I can only describe as intuition, a calling.

Founded By Louise Hay, her teachings have empowered so many to take control of their well-being and heal their lives. When I heard of her inspiring story and her commitment to working in the field of self-help and personal development. I knew intuitively this was the book publisher I was to work with.


What was that intuition telling me?


That I had to write a book, and it had to be for Hay House  .


Now, all kinds of imposter syndrome kicked in here: me, write a book? After a tough time growing up with dyslexia, it felt almost unnatural – but at the same time, something was drawing me in and pushing me on.


If it’s meant to be, it’ll find a way


I’m a big believer in fate, or destiny – whatever you want to call it. I think if something’s meant to be, it’ll find a way of being. It’s a belief that can bring a lot of comfort in difficult times: the idea that something bigger is at work, that no matter how impossible something may feel, if that’s your path, you’ll take it regardless. You’ll find a way.


So I did what any self-respecting modern-day person would do: I searched Google.


I wanted to see what opportunities were out there – there had to be something, right? Because I knew if this was my calling then I would be given the tools and guidance to get me there. So when I stumbled upon the webpage that gave me the next step the answer to get my book into the world, it sent a tingle of fate running through me.


Hay House was running a Diverse Wisdom program. Entries weren’t open yet, but I knew this was it; this was my sign to go for it! I’d grown up battling my own identity as a mixed-race woman, so the focus on diversity felt like the perfect fit.


Seizing the day


When the program opened in July 2022, I applied without hesitation. In August of that year, I received the news that I’d been accepted, along with 11 other people. The best part? At the end of the nine-month program, I’d have the opportunity to submit a book proposal!


The program was months of meeting amazing mentors, participating in group mentoring sessions with Jessica Huie, author of Purpose, and attending smaller group meetings each month with Yamile Yemoonyah, author of The 7 types of Spirit Guides. It was a lot of work, in addition to the 15K word proposal I was crafting to support my dreams of becoming a published author.


Rolling with the punches


When you work hard and set your heart on something, it can be incredibly challenging to be met with setbacks; something I would soon learn all about.


In August 2023, I found out that my proposal had been turned down.


I cried. I felt low. I lost confidence. I wanted to give up. I’d worked so hard, but why bother? I hadn’t been good enough. They’d said no. It was all for nothing. But nothing worth having ever comes easily in this life, so after a week of wallowing, I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and decided I had to keep going. I had a book inside me, and it was one I needed to share with the world.


A beacon of hope


I took on board the feedback from Hay House Publishers, and gave myself time to reflect. During this time I kept on reading and listening to the books and the podcasts that inspired me, and finally, I found myself with a brand new vision for the book.


And guess what? Hay House said YES!


While I can’t give away too many secrets at this stage, I feel it’s incredibly apt that my book is all about overcoming low self-esteem, and helping people to uncover their true selves; the version of themselves they know is in there; the version they’re desperate to unlock; the version that can achieve incredible things.


Inspired by my own battle with self-esteem and my daily work as a therapist, it’s a dream come true to be taking everything I’ve learned about helping people to flourish as more complete, more connected, and more content people, and putting it into a book that’s accessible to anyone, anywhere.


A note on not giving up


There will always be times in your life when you want to give up; give in. There are days that will feel like a battle, and challenges that seem insurmountable. But life is about looking within yourself, and remembering who you are. What you love. Where your passions lie.


I’ve learned a lot about my own persistence over the past two years, and I feel more passionately than ever about trusting your intuition.


We all have a calling, or a passion, or a longing deep within. And I believe we tap into true happiness when we learn to silence our doubts, commit to our own selves, and refuse to hide who we really are.


Whatever your dream, I hope you pursue it with gusto. I believe in you.

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