Spring is the season of growth and renewal; of rebirth and possibility. The nights get lighter, the days get longer, we begin to feel the warmth of the sun on our skin, and bulbs that lay forgotten spring into life.
It’s at this time of the year that I like to reflect on my own progress and movement. You might already embrace spring cleaning in your homes – ushering in a new period of greater clarity and purpose – but what about your business?
Spring is the ideal season to assess, analyse, and enjoy your business – and its growth. A time to identify areas for improvement, to take action, and to give thanks for all that you’ve achieved so far. And while the process doesn’t always feel comfortable at first, the payoff makes the effort worthwhile.
A natural process
As humans, we should never stop growing; developing; evolving. Having a sense of purpose and working towards goals (both personal and professional) is so incredibly beneficial to our mental health and wellbeing – and reflecting on our progress in pursuit of those goals is equally important.
In my training as a business coach, I’ve experienced first-hand the transformative power of evaluating where you’ve come from, where you’re going, and most crucially of all, how that makes you feel. This is particularly important if you run your own business.
As a mental health professional, I’m always very conscious that as well as supporting my clients, I need to support my own wellness. As a business owner, that can be challenging – but without that disciplined focus and self-reflection, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
When you’re looking at everything you’ve accomplished over the last year, or what challenges you’ve faced, pay close attention to how each of those things make you feel, as this will give you the best sense of what needs to change – or what you should be doing more of!
Shaking off the shackles of winter brings a new lease of life, so this really is a great time to reassess what in your business is working for you, and what’s bringing you down.
A time for contemplation
What kind of business do you want to have? What’s important to you right now? Have you got the right balance with your business to give you time for everything else in your life? These are crucial questions to ask yourself when spring cleaning your business.
For me, having enough time to spend with my family is one of the greatest priorities (and privileges) of my life, so I’ve created a business model that supports my lifestyle. As well as my therapy business, I have passive income in the form of My Little Therapy Box, online courses for mental health professionals, and the book I’m currently writing. I have the freedom to work the hours I choose, and I get to focus on the areas I’m passionate about.
There’s a great deal of joy to be had from running your own business – but only if you listen to your internal voice and pay attention to what that business is bringing you (the good, and the bad). If you take this time of reflection and find you’re working more hours than you’re happy with, or that you’re spending your time on tasks that don’t speak to your strengths, make a plan to implement change.
A plan for the future
A great way to carry out a spring clean of your business is to write down every single thing you’ve achieved – and that you’re proud of – over the course of the last year. Even little things; anything that’s made you feel happy or content. Then, write down any negatives – such as obstacles along the way, or work you haven’t enjoyed.
When you read back through this list, come up with three actions that you want to take for your business right now. That could be taking on less clients, doing more professional development, or investigating passive income streams. Your list will be unique to you, so your takeaway actions will be too.
I like to set myself SMART goals, because it makes whatever I’m aiming for feel clear and achievable.
SMART goals are:
Specific (simple, sensible, significant)
Measurable (meaningful, motivating)
Achievable (agreed, attainable)
Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based)
Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive)
You can find lots more detail on SMART goals on the Mind Tools website, so why not set yourself some specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound goals, and head into the next phase of the year with renewed focus, ambition and purpose?
This is YOUR business, and YOUR time, so make sure it works for you.
Natasha Page (Founder of My Little Therapy Box)